Just like a regular worker, a temporary worker is entitled to paid leave to rest during the working year. However, there are a few specific rules governing how leave is calculated, taken and paid. In this blog article, you’ll find all you need to know about paid vacations and vacation entitlements for temporary workers.
The number of paid vacations for temporary workers
Like a “classic” employee on a permanent or fixed-term contract, a worker on a temporary contract is entitled to 2.5 working days’ paid vacation per month actually worked. In other words, if a temporary worker works full-time for a month, he or she will be entitled to 2.5 days’ paid vacation for that month.
Taking temporary leave
In certain cases, a temporary worker can ask to take days off, depending on the agreement in place with the temporary employment agency and, where applicable, the company where he or she is working.
Vacation pay for temporary workers
In the temping business, as these are temporary employment contracts, paid vacations are generally not taken as recuperation time (e.g. vacation) but rather paid in the form ofvacation pay at the end of each assignment. This indemnity, known as ICP in temping jargon, is calculated as a percentage of the total gross salary received during the assignment. Vacation pay generally corresponds to 10% of the total gross salary received during the assignment, and is added to the remuneration at the end of the assignment. For example: if a temporary worker receives a gross salary of €1,500 for a 1-month assignment, the vacation pay will be 10% of this amount, i.e. €150.
Paid vacations when a temp has several assignments
It sometimes happens that some temporary workers take on several assignments with different companies. In such cases, vacation pay is generally calculated on the total amount of wages earned during these assignments. The temporary employment agency makes the calculation on the basis of the total number of hours or days worked, and pays the vacation pay at the end of the assignment.
Paid leave in the event of early termination of a temporary employment contract
If the temporary worker’s assignment is terminated before its scheduled end, or if the temporary employment contract is terminated early, the temporary worker is still entitled to paid vacation pay for the days worked before the contract was terminated. Management of vacation pay by the temporary employment agency representing the temporary worker
As a party to the temporary employment contract, the temporary employment agency is responsible for managing vacation pay. For each assignment, it includes the calculation and payment of the ICP in the temporary employment contract. To find out more about vacation pay management, please contact your Capa Interim agency representative!