3 conseils essentiels pour trouver un job d’été en intérim

3 essential tips for finding a summer temp job

Are you looking for a job this summer? Would you like to try your hand at the great adventure of temporary work? Would you like to take advantage of the many benefits of temporary work? Take the plunge with one of the many assignments offered by our Capa agencies! In industry, construction, the food industry or the service sector, discover our best tips for finding a temporary summer job.

Find temporary summer jobs in sectors that match your profile

Whether you’re looking for a classic summer job or a temp position, we obviously advise you to look for a job in your preferred sector. The fact that you already have experience in a particular sector will make it easier for you to land a summer job or a classic job in that field. For example, if you’ve already worked in the food industry on a production line in a slaughterhouse, you can apply for summer temp jobs in this field. This could include a production position in the same or another abattoir, or a line agent position in a pastry factory. Your past experience will make you more attractive to recruiting companies.

But don’t close any doors! Experience in a particular field is always a plus in the recruitment process. At Capa Intérim, our careful, personalized support will help you find temporary assignments for the summer (and all year round) in sectors that are recruiting and that need motivated people to work, just like you!

Applying in sectors that recruit during the summer period

Depending on the economic climate, some sectors hire more than others. Both the overall economic situation and seasonality will have an impact on the job market. In the Grand-Ouest region, many companies are looking for temporary staff in the agri-food, construction and public works, industrial and service sectors to fill in for their employees on summer vacation.

As temporary employment experts, our Capa advisors in agencies and in the field are constantly on the lookout and in daily contact with our partner companies to offer our temps interesting positions in sectors that are recruiting locally. Discover our available job offers.

Prepare your CV and cover letter to land a summer temp job

When you’re looking for a job, even a summer temp position, your CV becomes your professional showcase. This essential document will tell you a lot about yourself, your skills and your experience… it will be constantly asked for by temping agencies first, and then by your future employers. So, if you’ve already spotted a temporary assignment that interests you on our website www.capainterim.com or in an agency window, you can prepare a personalized cover letter in addition to your CV.

On the blog, we share our tips for creating an effective CV! You can then submit your documents to one of our Capa Intérim branches. Our local teams will be happy to assist you in your job search for the summer season.